Sunday, 2 March 2014

qProf supports on-the-fly reprojection and multiples profile lines

The new version, 0.2.2, of this plugin for Quantum GIS has now support for on-the-fly reprojection of layers in a project. The profile will be created with the CRS set by the user in the Quantum GIS project.

Moreover, it also possible to use multiple lines for the profile creation, that will be merged into one for the profile creation. Since it could happen that the order of the single lines is not the correct one for the profile creation, it has been added the option of reading the correct order from an integer field defined in the attribute table of the layer (see figure below).

Example of layer with multiple lines (4), that are digitized with an incorrect order (see in the attribute table), but with the correct order set in the field 'id' of the attribute table (also used for the labelling of the lines in the map).

Profile created with the correct line order, set in the attribute table as in the previous figure.

A bug related to the saving of results as shapefiles in Linux has also been removed.

The new version can be installed by using the plugin manager of Quantum GIS, or by downloading it from the Quantum GIS  plugin repository at or at

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